Verse from the Village

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Loving a Lioness Heather Parker


Loving a Lioness is a woman’s journey to love. Often times we look outside of ourselves, or look to someone else for love…for fulfillment…for some soul satisfaction. Dating and relationships are a beautiful gift, for those of us willing to look in the mirror our counterpart offers…and that work, will lead us back to ourselves. Loving a Lioness is a look into that journey through poetic expression. It’s everything that makes your heart flutter; its raw, its honest and it is all about love. May these pieces bless you.



Heather Parker is a poet performer, author, and healer. She is regarded amongst the open mic community as Funky Sunshine. Heather’s awakenings in life have not only helped her find her passion, but it has also helped her birth two amazing projects: the Love Note Movement and Loving a Lioness. “Loving a Lioness: Poetry in Life, Love & Eros,” is Heather’s debut poetry collection which reads as a memoir about experiences with love, relationships and all the triggers, healing and self-love in between.

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